If you made a New Year’s resolution to free yourself from unwanted clutter, you’ll want to check out this 31-day decluttering challenge. This challenge will help you to hit the ground running while building habits that will help you continue to remove clutter throughout the year. … [Read more...]
7 Things You Can Do to Organize Your Refrigerator
Want to be amazed? Organize your refrigerator, not only will it look neat, but you'll be astounded at how much time, energy and money you'll save. There are just a few simple things that you can do to start reaping the rewards. … [Read more...]
Home Organization – Changing Toothbrushes
Do you ever have one of those days when you ask yourself "why do I bust my butt, nobody really notices or appreciates it anyway?" Tell me I'm not alone, please! Being a wife and a mom, whether you work in or out of the home, is one of the hardest jobs in the world, the rewards are great, but it's a … [Read more...]
2014 Home Organization Challenge: Day 28 – Menu Planning
Today marks the last day of our 28-Day Home Organization Challenge. Over the last 4 weeks, we've taken on so many different challenges, de-cluttering, establishing daily, weekly and monthly routines. We also learned some tips about how to not get overwhelmed by it all, how to get the kids involved … [Read more...]
Home Organization Challenge: Day 27 – Calendars
We've officially completed all of the Home Organization Challenges, give yourself a pat on the back. Now, for the next couple of days I'll share some tips, tricks and tools that will help get other areas of your life organized as well as save you more time. Be sure that you continue … [Read more...]
Home Organization Challenge: Day 26 – Garage/Yard
Today is the last day of our monthly Home Organization Challenges. By the end of today's challenge you should have a detailed cleaning list for each room in your home and each item should be separated by how often it needs to be cleaned. Starting Monday, you can begin checking items off of your … [Read more...]
Home Organization Challenge: Day 25 – Bedrooms/Office
"In every job that must be done there is an element of fun, find the fun, and snap the jobs game." ~Mary Poppins Have you been looking for ways to make your Home Organization Challenges fun? It's amazing, when you find the fun in a daunting task, you look forward to doing it … [Read more...]
Home Organization Challenge: Day 24 – Living Room/Foyer
I want to share with you how much I love this Home Organization Challenge. Monday was my birthday and my husband and boys decided that they would give me a day of leisure. They told me I didn't have to do a thing, all day. As wonderful as it sounded, I was worried that my work load would be doubled … [Read more...]