90 Day Sprint, a goal planning method that will have you crushing all of your goals in no time. Healthy, successful living is for those who continue moving forward and don’t quit even when they make mistakes.
Have you ever heard of a 90 day sprint? It is a method of goal setting when you choose three different areas of your life and you focus on getting massive results in those three areas. You determine your baseline and what the threshold is, define your criteria for success, and then you make a detailed plan to see results. The last thing to do is take massive action to achieve these results. Success leaves clues. Successful peole set goals and then they take immediate action.
Pick only three areas at a time for your 90 day sprint. To many things to focus on causes you to completely lose focus. Write your three areas down.
Where are you now? Determine your baseline, where are you currently in these three areas? Your baseline determines your current threshold. My husband explains that in order to improve something you need to have a threshold to judge it by.
One definition of threshold: The point that must be exceeded to begin producing a given effect or result or to elicit a response.
Next, define your criteria for success. Write down what success means to you in each of the three areas. How will you measure your success?
During the 90 day sprint, you want to encourage yourself by actually seeing results. On day 30 you must have a concrete way of measuring success. Perhaps you are trying to add muscle to a specific area in your body. The obvious choice would be a body measuring tape. Start out with before measurements and each week record your current measurements. With a proper lifting and eating plan you should begin to see a measurable result by day 30. Hopefully that spurs you on to continue to day 90.
Create a detailed plan to get you there in 90 days. Do this for each of your three items, determine what action you need to take in order to see your desired results. Write it down and then take IMMEDIATE, massive action.
90 Days – This time period is the key. Anybody can do anything for 30 days. What usually happens after 30 days, what I have done time and time again, is that people will see results after 30 days and then get bored and try to switch things up. Do NOT do this!
Stick to your plan for 90 days. Push through the boredom, lean into the hard and you will supass the majority who wet goals, start a great plan bu give up before they reach the finish line. 90 days is a great amount of time for you to see serious results. Stick with it and you WILL be successful.
Successful people are always moving forward and always seeking improvement.
I’m seeking success in three area of my life today, so I am defining my threshold, determining the criteria and making a clear action plan.
I’ve already taken action on every single area as of the time this post is published. This gives me a great feeling of accomplishment and encouragement to press on.
Here is an example of one area I’m focusing on ….
Where am I now in the area of fitness?
I’ve been implementing these 5 fitness rituals and now I”m feeling great. I have increased energy and no more joint pain! Hallelujah! Now I’m ready to build muscle.
Fitness Goal: Build Muscle
What’s the baseline? Where am I now? Admittedly, I’m pretty weak and my calves have see better days. I will be taking measurements and posting results after 90 days.
What’s the criteria for success? I’m trying to be relentlessly realistic about what my body is capable of within 90 days. I believe it is an attainable goal to see muscle definition and build at least one inch of muscle.
Related: 5 Life Changing Fitness Hacks
Success Plan:
Rebounding – 90 seconds x 3 every day. 90 seconds of squats and push ups, before meals, and 90 seconds of squats and push ups, 90 minutes after meals. This is a proven fat loss method that I will expound upon in a later post.
Leg routine (Barre Routine) 2x per week – Monday and Thursday
Arm routine (Arm Workout)Macros: High protein diet to feed muscle
Feeding your muscles plenty of protein is essential to building. The days of rest are just as essential for muscle growth as muscles are repaired and built during this time. To calculate Macros use the free calculator at IIFYM.com.
Supplements are Essential
These are my two must haves:
Raw Barrel Pure BCAA
NOW Foods L-Glutamine
Cran Water
I’m obsessed with the benefits of cran-water and I drink about 64 ounces a day.
This may seem intense or it may seem like not enough. For me, it is exactly what I believe my body needs to see my desired results in 90 days.
“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving.
They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” ~Conrad Hilton
I hope this information helps you in your pursuit of success today. Than you for reading! Next time I will share some helpful beauty tips for your hair and nails. Blessings to you until then!
Grace & Peace,
Adoring Family
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Stopping by from inspire me monday. I love 90 day goal setting. I’m currently working through the 12 week year and on my second 12 week sprint and it’s definitely helping me accomplish more of my goals.
Hello Robin. I have not heard of the 90-day sprint, but I do set goals in 90-day chunks, then break that down to my one-month goals and then weekly and daily to-do lists. Sometimes I do spread myself a little thin. Perhaps I will try just three areas for the next go round. I am coming to this post from the GRAND Social and have shared on social media. Enjoy your day and good luck on your goals. I look forward to hearing the results.
Great tips, thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party this week!
This is a great post! Thanks so much for sharing with us on Full Plate Thursday and come back real soon!
Miz Helen
Love this statement: Successful people are always moving forward and always seeking improvement. So good. Good luck on reaching your goals and thanks for sharing this method at #HomeMattersParty