Knowing what pumpkin you should use for cooking, baking, painting, carving, and decorating will make the season a lot more enjoyable. These helpful tips make pies taste better, make carving easier, and make your home more festive. … [Read more...]
Simple Steps for Meal Prep
Meal prep doesn’t have to be stressful or dreadful, with these simple steps you decide what works best for you. There’s no right way or wrong way of doing it, you just need to get started. … [Read more...]
10 Step Guide for Making a Perfect Steak
A perfect steak is a dish that most people only enjoy at high-grade restaurants. Though an ideal steak is usually thought to be the handy work of talented and trained chefs, you don't have to visit expensive restaurants and pay top dollar for amazing steaks on every occasion. By following the … [Read more...]
21 Ways To Use Honey That Will Make Life Better
This week we came up with a wonderful list of frugal living tips using Honey. Honey is one of those things, like all of the other items in the WWII Series, that I've purchased for one specific reason, in this case, sweetening my tea or biscuits. So when we decided to add honey to our list I was a … [Read more...]