The best diaper rash remedy is prevention but if you've got a little one who's suffering from a case of diaper rash, then a good ole' fashioned treatment is what you'll want. A diaper rash is simply a burn caused by the acid that is present in both urine and bowel movements. The rash will look … [Read more...]
17 Simple Home Remedies for Treating Minor Burns
If you spend anytime in the kitchen than you've probably had to treat a minor burn or two. Burns just seem to be one of the hazards that can be found in the kitchen. It's because of one of these little mishaps that encouraged me to write this post. Personally, most of the burns that I've had have … [Read more...]
How to Treat Puffy Eyes
16 ways to reduce puffy eyes using a few of grandma's amazing tricks. Why is it, whenever there's a special occasion, my allergies tend to flare up, causing my eyes to swell like water balloons? Luckily over the years I've learned some anti-puffiness measures that I can use ahead of time to combat … [Read more...]
20 Home Remedies for Cracked Heels
This post may contain affiliate links, so please take a moment and read our Disclosure Policy. Don't be embarrassed, having cracked heels is more common than you might think. The soles of your feet are naturally dry because they don't contain sebaceous glands, those are that glands that produce … [Read more...]
How to Remove a Splinter
Splinterectomy - the surgical removal of a splinter. I know there is no such thing as a splinterectomy, however removing one can sometimes seem like a surgical procedure. You prep for the removal by pulling out the needles and tweezers, then sanitize them, how much closer to surgery can you get … [Read more...]
14 Home Remedies for Cold Sores
Why is it that cold sores seem to appear whenever you have an important event? That large, unsightly blister that you know everyone will notice not to mention the pain that it brings along with it. Cold sores aren't anything new, they've been showing up on faces for a very long time. Today we treat … [Read more...]
13 Sore Muscle Home Remedies
Have you ever woke up with a stiff neck? Last week I woke up with one, I could barely move and wow did it hurt. I don't remember doing anything strenuous that would have caused it, so it must have been the way that I slept. I went to the chiropractor to get some relief and it didn't help much, I … [Read more...]
30 Sore Throat Home Remedies
A sore throat can be the beginning signs of a cold or flu. With the cold an flu season right around the corner I thought that I would share with you some home remedies that my family and I gathered when we were trying to recreate my grandmother's WWII Frugal Living journal. Take … [Read more...]