Making your bed every morning may seem like a mundane task, but it can have a surprisingly positive impact on the rest of your day. In fact, research has shown that making your bed in the morning is one of the simplest yet most effective things you can do to improve and maintain mental well-being. … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Guide for Cleaning and Caring for Your Pillow
Your pillow is a vital sleeping amenity. Aside from the mattress and bed, the pillow is the one thing that gives you extra comfort and support while you're sleeping. Because of this, it is quite essential that you know how to care for it correctly. Even if the pillow has been built wonderfully, … [Read more...]
Bedroom Design: Teen Boys #Xbox Inspired Room Makeover
We recently decided to do a new bedroom design for our teenage sons room and give it a complete overhaul. When we first started coming up with ideas our son was really set on painting his room black. I've seen black rooms that looked gorgeous, but as a mom I wanted lighter colors because I've … [Read more...]