Before I started the Home Organization Challenge my laundry was always out of control. That pile of clothes that sat on the laundry room floor seemed to have no end. I would do load after load and that darn pile would never go away, I don’t think I saw my laundry room floor for years. Besides the endless pile of clothes, when I did do a load, it would either remain in the dryer or someone would throw into a laundry basket. When it came time to do another load I had no idea what was clean and what was dirty. I was wasting my time and money washing clothes that might have already been clean.
Before we dive into our piles of laundry let’s review what we should be doing daily so far:
- Day 1 – 20/20 (de-cluttering)
- Day 2 – Make Things Happen (bed)
Day 3 – Piles Away
After you make your bed:
- Bring it to the laundry room
- Wash just 1 load
When you get home from work:
- Put the load in the dryer
- Fold the clothes and put them away
Find the Fun, Gets the Job Done: Let’s face it, there is no way to make doing laundry fun, it’s an ugly job. I just love that I can see the floor of my laundry room.
- You always have clean clothes, towels & bedding.
- Your water, gas & electric bills will be lowered.
- The cost of detergents goes down. *To lower the cost even further, check out our DIY Laundry Detergent.
- You have more time to spot treat clothing.
- You can see the floor of your laundry room.
For the Kiddos: Before you start your daily load have the kids gather up their dirty laundry. Once the clothes have been folded, give each child their pile to be put away.
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