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Welcome to Fluster Buster! I’m so glad that you came by for a visit!
Grab a cup of coffee and let’s get to know each other a little better.
My name is Robin, I’m a Christian mom to three amazing M.I.T.’s (aka Men in Training) and I’ve been married to my best friend for over 20 years. We currently live in West Virginia, we moved here a couple of years ago from California. The reason for the move, well, God decided that our lives needed a complete makeover, so here we are.
Fluster Buster is my creative outlet for handling all of the frustrations that we’re running into from the makeover. Don’t get me wrong, the makeover is wonderful, the frustration comes from me. I’m having to learn how to do things quite differently than what I’m used to. At times, things are pretty challenging but I love how the frustration from the challenge inspires me to find creative solutions.
One of the biggest challenges that we face is living on an income that is two-thirds less than what we’re accustom to. At first this seemed impossible to do, but with a little time and a lot of creativity we’re doing it and doing it well. Now, we may not live in the nicest home in town or have the nicest things but boy oh boy, do we have some stories to tell.
Follow me and my family as we share our budget friendly adventures and frustration busting solutions.

Now I’d like to know more about you. Leave me a link to your “About Me” page in the comment section so that I can stop by an visit.
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
― C.S. Lewis
I am so sorry to to hear your story. But it sounds like you are a very smart, resourceful women and my bets on YOU! I do know a little about what your going through! We didn't loose everything, only our retirement! We are also self-employed, we own a semi and drive together. But we had plans to retire a few years ago and now with no retirement, it's not even in the picture.
I started my blog in Nov. hoping it would grow into something that I could help out a little and give me something I can do on the road.
I am finding I love blogging for the friends I am making and the reward it gives me.
Thank you for sharing your story and I wish you all the best.
One thing I've found with blogging is there is a lot of supportive people (some not so) but you learn quickly who's in your corner.
Good Luck my friend, I know you'll make it!
Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile
Hi Robin,
I just read your About Me for the first time and I feel for you and your family. I can't imagine having to go through that, but I'm sure you are stronger for it.
I'm glad I found your blog, I'm enjoying following.
All the best,
hey i found your blog when i was searching on the www to find out how to fix a no reply blogger and you gave me that answer! thanks to you!
now i am getting to know you by reading your "about me" page and i think you are a FIGHTER! in life, we have to because that's what it's all about – and i'm glad that you're starting your day by making your bed..
Isn't it amazing how trials shape us to become better than we would ever have been? I loved your open and truthful post.