If you’ve been following this series you know that it is dedicated to my grandmother and the wonderful household tips journal that she put together during WWII. Throughout this series I’ve learned so much about what kind of a woman she was, I wish that I had known her personally. Unfortunately she passed away when I was only 6 years old so I didn’t get an opportunity to really know her.
There are a few things that stand out in my memory about her. The first is how she would hold me and hum. I remember hating that humming and wanting her to stop. The more I begged her to stop the louder she would get. The second thing that really stands out is her elbows. I know it sounds funny but I remember playing with the soft, thin skin that hung from her elbows. I remember it being very relaxing rubbing that skin between my index finger and thumb. Finally, I remember always asking her for a drink of her Coca-Cola, I don’t think that I ever saw her without one. Which leads me to this weeks list on Coca-Cola.
- Bee Stings – to reduce pain, dab a little coke to the area.
- Congestion – to relieve, sip on a cup of hot coke.
- Diarrhea – to treat, sip on a glass of flat coke.
- Hiccups – to alleviate, gargle with some coke.
- Indigestion – to soothe, sip on a glass of flat coke.
- Mosquito bites – to reduce itching, dab the area with a
little coke. - Nausea – to settle, sip on a glass of flat coke.
- Pregnancy – to alleviate fatigue, drink some coke.
- Sore Throat – to soothe, sip on a glass of flat coke.
- Hair – to remove hair coloring, apply a can of coke to hair.
Let it sit for several minutes before rinsing. - Hair – to remove gum, pour some coke on it and let it sit
several minutes before working the gum out. - Skin – to soften, mix some coke in with your favorite
- Blood Stains – to remove from clothing, pour some coke on the
stain, then wash as directed. - Carpet – to remove stains, apply a little coke. Let it sit
for a few minutes before scrubbing. Clean with soapy water. - Grease Stains– to remove from clothing, pour some coke on
the stain, then wash as usual. - Odors – to remove from clothing, add a can of coke to your
- Battery – to clean, pour a
little coke over each one of the terminals. - Bugs – to remove from the grill of your car, spray the area
with some coke. Let it sit for several minutes before rinsing. - Garage – to remove oil stains, soak the area with a can of
coke. Let it sit several minutes before rinsing. - Grout – to clean, apply coke to the grout and let it sit for
several minutes before rinsing. - Pennies – to clean, soak the pennies in some coke overnight.
- Pots & Pans – to remove burnt residue, pour some coke
into the pan and simmer for an hour before cleaning. - Rust – to clean, soak the item overnight in some coke.
- Skunk – to remove odors, drench yourself with some coke,
wait a few minutes and then rinse. - Toilet – to clean, pour a can of soda into the bowl and let
it sit several minutes before cleaning. - Windows – to remove dirt and grease, wipe the windows with
some coke then wipe away with a clean damp rag. - Windshield – to remove bugs, shake up a can of coke and pour
it over the windshield. Let it sit several minutes before rinsing.
- Acidic Plants – for plants that like acidic soil, pour a can
of coke around the base of the plant. - Slugs and Snails – to eliminate, pour some coke into a
shallow dish and place it in the problem area.
- Ants – to kill, pour a can of coke on the ant hill.
- Bolts – to loosen, soak them in coke before trying to separate.
- Bugs – to control, place several cups of coke around the
perimeter of your home. - Paint – to strip from metal, wrap the area with a rag soaked
in coke. Let it sit for several days making sure that the rag stays wet the
whole time. - Paper – to antique, pat the paper with a rag dipped in coke.
Let dry. - Windshield – to defrost, pour some coke over the windshield
and wait a few minutes.
Hi Robin – I absolutely LOVE your WWII series! I only drink Coca Cola when I'm sick (the flat Coke really does settle an upset tummy!). You have to think about it though… a drink which can remove rust and clean batteries… what it will do to your insides if consumed on a regular basis. That being said, I'm still a Coca Cola girl at heart and have a small collection of vintage Coca Cola pieces. It's such a true American icon! Thanks for keeping the tradition alive. Hugs, Holly
Hi Robin! That is so cute – sounds like she must have been awesome! Funny the things you remember as a kids. I remember my great grandmother had very large ear lobes!!! LOL. I use Coke fix a slow shower or sink drain. Pour it in and let it sit, then run hot water. (Prolly wouldn't work on a major clog…) Julia
Fantastic list! A little spooky, but so cool and I want to try some of these out. Thanks for a great post!
I would not have thought most of these as use for Coke. But it shows a lot of creativity. And is a wonderful way to get to know a bit better what life was like during that period.
Thanks for the tips! I had heard of a few of them but not all. Recently my car wouldn't start and we poured Coke on the battery. It worked like a charm and I haven't had a problem since.