By now everyone has heard how wonderful oatmeal is for you. It’s good for your heart, it’s a cancer fighting agent, it’s a great source of fiber, it’s low in calories, but did you know it can be used for more than just filling your belly? This week we came up with 19 unusual frugal living tips using this wonderfully healthy staple.
There are several different types of oats that you can buy: instant, quick, rolled, the list goes on. I like to use the Irish steel cut oats, the pieces are smaller so it’s easier to eat, and they also contain more nutrients because of the way that they are hulled and cut. They’re a little more work than most oats but the benefits are worth the extra effort.
Always consult a doctor before using oatmeal as a treatment.
- Burns – to soothe, apply cold, cooked oatmeal to the area.
- Chicken Pox – to relieve itching, place ground oatmeal into
the leg of pantyhose. Tie the pantyhose around the faucet of your bathtub so
that the water hits it while filling the tub. Soak for at least 15 minutes.
Save the oatmeal filled pantyhose to rub on your itchy skin later. - Energy – to increase, eat a bowl of oatmeal a couple of
hours before any strenuous exercise. - Feet – to soothe aches, soak feet in a tub of tepid water
and oatmeal. - Feet – to cure cracking, soak feet in a tub of tepid water
and oatmeal. - Poison Ivy – to relieve itching, place ground oatmeal into
the leg of pantyhose. Tie the pantyhose around the faucet of your bathtub so
that the water hits it while filling the tub. Soak for at least 15 minutes.
Save the oatmeal filled pantyhose to rub on your itchy skin later. - Stress – to relieve, add 2 cups oatmeal, 1 cup milk and 1
tablespoon of honey to your bath water. - Sunburn – to soothe, to relieve itching, place ground
oatmeal into the leg of pantyhose. Tie the pantyhose around the faucet of your
bathtub so that the water hits it while filling the tub. Soak for at least 15
- Acne – to control, spread cooled, cooked oatmeal on your
face and leave it on for about 15 minutes and rinse. - Face – to soothe and brighten, make a mask using 1/3 cup
oatmeal, ½ cup hot water, an egg white and a little honey. Apply the mixture to
skin and leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing. - Hair – to clean, apply a dry shampoo made from equal parts
ground oatmeal and baking soda. Work the mixture into dry hair and brush out. - Skin – to exfoliate, coarsely grind up oatmeal, moisten and
scrub skin, then rinse. - Skin – to moisturize, add 2 cups oatmeal, 1 cup milk and 1
tablespoon of honey to your bath water.
- Ground Beef – to cut costs, add oatmeal to your ground beef
so that you don’t have to use as much meat. Works great in hamburgers,
meatloaves and meatballs. Plus your adding a good source of fiber to your diet. - Oat Flour – to make your own, grind oats in a grinder or
food processor and use the ground oats in any recipe that calls for flour. I do
this all of the time to add more fiber to our diets and to cut back on
calories. - Oil Spills – to clean, cover the area with uncooked oatmeal,
let it sit for 5-10 minutes and wipe away. - Soups and Stews – to thicken, use ground oatmeal.
- Clay – to make your own, mix together equal parts rolled
oats and flour. Add a few drops of food coloring and water. - Dogs – to relieve itching, bathe dog in an oatmeal bath. Tie
the pantyhose around the faucet of your bathtub so that the water hits it while
filling the tub. Work the oatmeal water throughout the dogs coat and rinse. - Odors – to remove from refrigerator, place an open container
of oatmeal in the refrigerator.
** If, by some small miracle, you worked at Amway in Ada, MI in the 1980;s and were the person my mother loaned the notebook to, please contact me. The notebook is a small (approx 6×9), black leather, 3-ring binder, and contains hand drawn patterns (teddy bear), recipes, and household tips and tricks. It would mean so much to my family to have it back.
Wow! I had no idea! Thanks for sharing all these great ideas.
Thanks for this post. I love knowing all of the uses for things, like oats. And thank you for sharing this at our Making Monday link party. We really appreciate it. I've pinned it to our board and also to one of my personal boards.
Lori @ A Bright and Beautiful Life
I've used it on my face before, but never on burns–thanks!
I totally need to do the oat flour! Does it change the texture much? Thanks so much for sharing at All My Bloggy Friends this week! Have a great day 🙂
Hi Robin! Thanks for linking up this interesting post on the Unusual Uses of Oatmeal to the Sweet Wednesday Link Party! Wow, I didn't know there were that many different uses for oatmeal, that's super cool. I do grind my own oats for oat flour to use in recipes. 🙂
Hi Robin. Your interesting post on the Unusual Uses for Oatmeal will be one of my top 5 featured posts on My Sweet Mission tonight! Congrats and stop by to grab a featured button, you deserve to brag a little!
Great tips – I knew a few and learned a lot! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,
I had terrible indigestion and heartburn one night and my usual medicine wasn't working. For some reason, I thought I should eat a large spoonful of dry oatmeal. I got up, ate some and my stomach settled down immediately! I have had this work several times since.
Try Face Book to find your book if you haven't found it already.
Face Book has done amazing things to find people maybe it will work for a loaned book.
This is great! Thank you for sharing! I will definitely be using oatmeal as a foot moisturizer in the near future.
You can make oatbflour by running oatmeal through the blender then use it in place of flour in brownies. You can also use it make gravy but the texture takes some getting ised to. Thanks for the great tips.
Thank you very much for this interesting information about oatmeal.
It’s crazy all of the things that you can do with it!
This tip is for Gardening, use a little whole oats in your planting hole when planting plants it helps the plants grow stronger and more healthy while keeping the earth lose which helps roots grow easily
Thanks for the tip, I can’t wait to give it a try!