If you’re suffering with an earache, you should check out this list before you head to the doctor. We have put together this amazing list, using home remedies that our grandmothers used for their families. Many of these home remedies work better than the over the counter remedies we use today.

Have you ever had an earache, that was so bad, that you thought you’d never find relief ? If you have, then you’re gonna’ love these home remedies. Many of these remedies have been around for ages, and our grandmothers swore by them.
Our family has always had a problem with earaches, so my grandma had a whole section in her household tips book, devoted to just earaches.
I have used several of these remedies on myself and my kids. My oldest son suffered from terrible earaches when he was little. For years the doctor’s would prescribed him antibiotics, eventually they would begin to work, but the wait was agonizing for him.
To help ease his suffering I would use some of grandma’s home remedies to give hims some relief. You know, if you’ve ever had a child who suffered from earaches you’ll try just about anything to help ease their pain.
Thankfully, since having tubes put in his ears when he was young he hasn’t suffered from earaches.
When it comes to earaches, home remedies are the first place I look for relief. Taking care of the problem at home is a much cheaper option than seeing a doctor and going to the pharmacy. In most cases, it’s an equally effective option.
I had horrible ear aches when I was a kid. Sure would've liked some of these remedies back then. Thanks for sharing at TheWeekendSocial. Hope to see you again Thursday 9:00 PM EST.
For earache, have someone puff a menthol cigarette (WITHOUT INHALING) then slowly blow smoke in the ear then stick in cotton lay on a heating pad.