Can you believe we are already on day 6 of the Organization Challenge? Are you keeping up with the challenges? What is your favorite so far? Mine is the 20/20. A couple of months ago my mom moved to a smaller place so she gave me boxes and boxes of craft items. We also had our oldest son, his wife and their daughter move in, bringing with them several more boxes. As you can image my house has been overrun with boxes and was in desperate need of a 20/20. I’m happy to report that I’ve organized all of the craft items since starting the Home Organization Challenge. What area of your home have you been organizing?

Today’s Challenges:
- Make Things Happen (bed)
- Piles Away (laundry)
- Ready for Anything (get ready)
- Fairy Clean (bathroom)
- 20/20 (de-cluttering)
Do you have an attitude? If not, you should get one. You’ll find that starting your day with the right attitude makes for a more pleasant day. If you are one of those people that wakes up grumpy and rushing around, this challenge is for you!
Here’s how to Get an Attitude:
- Smile – When you’re getting Ready for Anything, take a look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see? Do you have a smile on your face? If not, put one on. there are many benefits you receive from smiling, one is that it is contagious. Be sure to wear it all day.
- Music – Put on some toe tapping, get your heart pumping music. There are many benefits from turning on the radio, the most important is that it gets your heart pumping and gives you energy.
- Breakfast – Get breakfast started. You and your family have not eaten in over 8 hours. Your car can’t get where it needs to go without gas, well the same is true for your body, it can’t do the things that it needs to without food, so fuel up!
- Dishwasher – While breakfast is cooking, unload the dishwasher, now you have room for the breakfast dishes. You’ll be happy that you did this when you come home from work.
- Lunches – Make lunches. Just like breakfast, lunch is just as important for fuel. A full belly is a happy belly.
- Clean-Up – Make sure that the kitchen is clean before you walk out the door.
- Smile
- Makes us attractive – people are attracted to smiling people
- Changes our mood
- It’s Contagious
- Relieves Stress
- Boosts your Immune System
- Lowers your Blood Pressure
- Releases Endorphins
- Makes you look younger
- Makes you seem successful
- Helps you stay positive
- Music
- Natural Pain Killer
- Reduces Stress
- Lowers your Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
- Stimulates Brain Cells
- Boosts Exercise Performance
- Promotes Sound Sleep
- Increased Optimism
For the kiddos:
Encourage the kids to put a smile on their faces. Remember a smile is contagious so make sure you are wearing yours. Depending on their ages they could set and/or clear the breakfast table, put away the clean dishes, rinse the breakfast dishes, load the dishwasher or help make breakfast or the afternoon lunches.
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