Every Wednesday I pamper myself with a little “Me Time”, Me Time is so important to yourself as well as your family that I made it part of my Home Clean Home series. Wednesdays are the days that I schedule hair appointments, manicures, pedicures, massages and other things that are just for me. I don’t always have the money to pamper myself the way that I want but I ALWAYS make sure that I do something to pamper myself.
Today, I want to pamper myself with a facial. I would love to be able to afford to go somewhere and have it done but the money just isn’t in our budget for this. If you are like me and can’t afford a professional facial there are many DIY recipes out there that are just as good as what the professionals use. I want to share with you my favorites.
For Acne
Baking Soda Mask
2 tbsp Baking Soda
Warm water
Put the baking soda into a small bowl. Slowly stir in water until it forms a paste. Massage paste onto your face. Allow paste to remain on your face for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
For Oily Skin
Banana Honey Mask
1 Ripe Banana
1 tbsp Honey
Lemon juice
Mash the banana in a small bowl. Mix in honey and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply to face. Allow mixture to remain on your face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
For Dry Skin
Yogurt and Honey Mask
1 tbsp Plain Yogurt (I use Greek yogurt)
1 tea Honey
Mix the yogurt and honey together in a small bowl. Apply to face. Allow mixture to remain on your face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
*This is also good for burns, including sunburns.
For Dull Skin
Tomato Facial
1/4 cup Tomato juice, freshly squeezed
1 tbsp Lime juice, freshly squeezed
1 cup Avocado, mashed
Mash avocado in a small bowl. Mix in the tomato and lime juice. Apply to face. Allow mixture to remain on face for 45-60 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
For Deep Cleansing
MOM Mask
Milk of Magnesia
Apply milk of magnesia to your face and neck. Allow to dry for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
For Anti-Aging
Egg/Lemon Mask
1 Egg White
1/2 Lemon
1/2 tea Salt
In a small bowl, beat the egg white with the juice from the lemon. and salt. Apply to face. Allow mixture to remain on face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
*Works great on wrinkles
What I like most about all of these recipes is that there are no exotic ingredients, everything can be found in my pantry. I have used each one of these, except for the dry skin one, my husband uses that. I would like to say that I don’t use the anti-aging one but that would be a big fat fib.
I’m off to give myself the dull skin facial and watch P.S. I Love You before everyone starts getting home. Happy “Me Time” everyone!
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