Everyone knows what dental floss is used for, but if you’re living a frugal lifestyle you know that it does so much more. This thin little string can do some stuff that will make life a little easier.
Currently I have over 20 packages of dental floss sitting in my cupboard. A couple of weeks ago that number was over 50, but I donated some for a Haiti’s mission trip. Although dental hygiene is important to me, it’s going to take forever before we use it all. That’s what made me think, hmmmmmm, I wonder if there are any frugal living tips for using dental floss.
As always, when doing this series, I sent the call out to family and friends to see if they had any ingenious ways to use dental floss and of course they came up with a great list of uses. I especially like the one for the dripping faucet.
**In case you were wondering how I ended up with so many packages of dental floss, it was couponing gone wild. All of the packages were free!
- Bread – for a clean cut, use dental floss.
- Cake – to make clean slices, hold the dental floss taut and cut through the cake. Slide the floss out and wipe it off before making your second cut.
- Cheese – to cut, use dental floss.
- Cookies – to remove hot cookies from the pan and keeping them from crumbling, hold a piece of dental floss taut and slide it between the cookies and the pan.
- Buttons – to attach, use dental floss instead of thread.
- Faucet – to temporarily quiet a drip, tie a piece of dental floss to the spout. The water will slide down the dental floss quieting the drip.
- Fishing – to make your own fishing line, tie a hook on the end of some dental floss and tie the opposite end to a stick or small branch.
- Packages – to secure, use dental floss instead of twine.
- Pictures – to hang, use dental floss instead of braided wire.
- Photos – to remove from albums without damaging them, holding a piece of dental floss taut slide it between the picture and the page.
- Plants – to support climbing plants, make a trellis by tying dental floss in a ladder pattern.
- Rings – to remove, wrap your finger with dental floss starting at the top of your finger and working down to the ring. Then slide off the ring.
- Rope – to keep it from fraying, wrap the ends with dental floss.
- Screws – to tighten, wrap dental floss around the threads before replacing.
- Popcorn Garland – use dental floss instead of string, it’s stronger and is less likely to break. Plus, waxed floss slips through the popcorn a little easier.
Can you think of any other ways to use Dental Floss?
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* If, by some small miracle, you worked at Amway in Ada, MI in the 1980’s and were the person my mother loaned the notebook to, please Contact Me. The notebook is a small (aprox. 6″x9″) black leather, 3-ring binder, and contains hand drawn patterns (teddy bear), recipes and household tips and tricks. It would mean so much to my family to have it back.
To use in making jewelry to thread beads. Thanks for hosting today, have a great week. Hope you can stop by @ Oh My Heartsie Girl
Those are great tips! I'd never thought of slicing cake with it. 🙂