Are you keeping up with the challenges? How about the kids? At this point you’ve probably had a day or two that you didn’t complete the challenges. I completely understand, it took me several attempts before I was able to master it. Just keep in mind that there is a wonderful reward that awaits you when you’re done and that is having time for the things that you love. If you fall, make a commitment to get back on track. Learning anything new is always a challenge, that’s one of the reasons why I named this the Home Organization CHALLENGE.

Continue perfecting these Challenges:
- Good Morning (don’t forget to celebrate)
- Good Afternoon (don’t forget to celebrate)
- Work on your Reminder Binder
- 20/20 (de-cluttering)
Every step that we’ve taken so far in the Home Organization Challenge has helped to make the next step a little easier. For example, the Good Morning made the Good Afternoon a little easier. Well the same is true with the Good Night! When you do a few small things before heading off to bed you’re setting yourself up for a Good Morning. And as we’ve already learned having a Good Morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.
How to have a Good Night:
- Kitchen Critique – Make sure there are no dishes in the sink. Then, start the dishwasher if you haven’t already. Replace the dish towels and dish rags with clean ones. There’s not a better way to start your day than to walk into a clean kitchen that is ready to be used.
- Drop Spots – Take a quick walk through the house and clear off your drop spots. This is another step towards a Good Morning..
- Think Ahead – Put all of the things that you will need for tomorrow in a spot where you can see them when you walk out the door. We are not always thinking clearly in the morning and this will help to eliminate the “I forgot” statement that we sometimes make.
- Dress for Success – Lay out what you are going to wear tomorrow, don’t forget about shoes and jewelry. If it needs to be ironed or a button is missing take care of now it will save you loads of time in the morning.
- Sleeping Beauty – Take a shower (if you do that at night), wash your face, brush your teeth and put on your pajamas. It is a fact that you get a better nights sleep when you put on pajamas. You are telling your body that it is time to relax.
- Beauty Sleep – Go to bed at the same time every night. Going to bed at the same time helps prevent fatigue and frustration (this site is all about busting frustration).
- Electronic Curfew – Set an electronic curfew. One hour before you shut your eyes and head off to dream land, turn off all electronics. Our bodies need time to wind down and build up the hormone Melatonin, which promotes sleep. Instead, try reading, journaling or spending that time in prayer.
- Get the kids on a bedtime routine.
- Have them clear the drop spots in their room.
- Gather the things that they need for school or daycare
- Lay out the clothes that they will wear the next day.
- Take a bath, brush their teeth, put on their pajamas.
- Set an electronic curfew for the kids, encourage them to read before they lay their heads down to rest.
- Dishes will be done
- You’ll have a clean kitchen to cook breakfast in
- Drop spots won’t be overwhelming
- Your clothes will be pressed and ready to go
- You will feel refreshed after a goods night sleep
- You won’t forget the things you need for the day
- Your morning will run smoothly as will the rest of your day
The Good Night checklist can be printed and then filed in your Reminder Binder under the Daily tab. Until you can do the tasks without thinking about them it’s a good idea to post it somewhere that you will see it. When I first started, I posted my Good Night checklist on the refrigerator, so that I see it after I’m done cleaning up from dinner.
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